Managing Application Secrets Like a Pro Using Google Secret Manager

At the beginning of last year, I wrote an article titled How to secure and manage secrets using Google Cloud KMS , explaining how we can use Google Cloud KMS (Key Management System) to encrypt secrets and securely use it in our applications. I mentioned it is a decent approach because of the lack of support for good secret management solutions within the Google cloud ecosystem. It is kind of, a hacky way to get the job done, because,...

April 4, 2020 · Ramesh Lingappan

How to secure and manage secrets using Google Cloud KMS

Let’s jump right in. We all know it’s a bad idea to store application secrets within our code. So why we are storing there it still? Let’s take an example. We could store those secrets in a file and add it to the gitignore so it’s not added to version control. But there are a couple of hurdles: How do we manage those secrets? What happens when the local copy is deleted?...

January 7, 2019 · Ramesh Lingappan